Per Toastmasters Governing Documents, each year every Toastmasters club must elect new club officers for the following year. The official record of club officers is the Toastmasters International database, so this must be updated after each officer election and any time during the program year that officers change for any reason. This document explains how and why to do it.
Why do this?
Since the TI database is the official record of Toastmasters information, your new slate of officers is not “real” until you update your club’s officer information in the database.
To enable club officers to access important information about the club via the TI website, such as Pathways Basecamp and Club Central.
- Only officers listed at Toastmasters International can get DCP4 credit for officer training.
- To complete Distinguished Club Program (DCP) Goal #10, clubs must post their incoming officer info at TI by June 30.
- To enable officers to be contacted for important Toastmasters business.
- Only current club officers, as listed in the database, can access your club’s Club Central and Pathways BaseCamp management functions.
When to do it
Newly elected club officers should be posted at Toastmasters International as soon as possible, but absolutely by the June 30 deadline. Clubs that meet weekly can optionally also elect officers in November. In this case, the officers serve a 6-month term and the mid-term officers must be posted at Toastmasters International by December 31. Your club must also elect a member to fill any office vacated for any reason during the program year. Every club must have at least a President, a Vice-President, and a Secretary to be valid in US law and regulation.
How to do it
There are 2 ways to update your club’s officer list.
Method #1 – through Club Central on
The easiest and quickest way is for a club officer to update the list online in Club Central.This can only be done by any, existing club officer, since your club officers are the only ones with access to your club’s Club Central.
- Go to the Toastmasters International website.
- Log into your account. This is the same login you use to get to Pathways.
- Go to your home page. (Hover your mouse over your name at the top and click My Home.
- Scroll down to the Leadership Central section and click the Club Central tile. If you belong to multiple clubs, it will list your clubs and you’ll have to select the club you want to access.
- Scroll down to the Club Management section and click the Club Officer Assignment tile. This brings you to the form where you list your club’s officers. All 7 officer positions are listed and the entry field for each provides a drop down with all your club members.
- Select the appropriate club member for each officer role.
- When finished, be sure to click the SAVE button at the bottom.
Video tutorials on this, and other Club Officer tutorials, are available.
Method #2 – by email
The second way is to fill out the PDF form from and email this completed form to There may be delays in TI processing this form for you, so be patient. You can save time as well as your time and effort by posting the information yourself in Club Central using method #1, above.
Remember to tell your bank, too
As part of your changeover of officers, one important secondary step is to register the changes in officers with the bank with which you do business. This often requires a special copy of the minutes of the meeting at which the officers were elected, on letterhead, with explicit references to which officers will have signatory access to the account (usually the Treasurer and President, but not always). You can download suitable letterhead from
In Toastmasters service,
Norm Thibodeau, DTM
District Administrative Manager, 2023-2024