Each year, Toastmasters districts provide two rounds of Club Officer Training (COT), one in the summer and one in the winter.  For your club to earn Distinguished Club Program (DCP) Goal #9, four or more officers must attend a summer COT event, and four or more officers must attend a winter COT event.  The most effective clubs get all seven (7) club officers trained during both sessions. The two sessions have different objectives.

Round One: Toastmasters Summer Officer Training -June through August

The Summer COT is focused on helping you quickly immerse yourself in your new leadership role. 

  1. Save your time learning and becoming effective in your new role. 
  2. Provide better service to your club.

Round Two: Toastmasters Winter Officer Training – November through February

The Winter COT is focused on club leaders sharing their experiences and ideas.

  1. Learn ideas to help you become even more effective. 
  2. Help other clubs by what you have learned about your role.

All District 53 COT sessions are held online via Zoom.  The Zoom link is provided in your registration confirmation and reminder emails.  You must attend at least 75% (135 minutes) of any three-hour COT event to receive training credit.  Training time may not be accumulated across multiple events.

  1. Register for any District 53 Club Officer Training event.
  2. Review your role in the Club Leadership Handbook.
  3. View the Report of Trained Officers for all clubs.
  4. View Club Officer Training FAQ

Use the Club Officer Jumpstart to get you started!

Currently Scheduled Events

Club Officer Training News

Training in other Districts

You can attend a Club Officer Training in another Toastmasters District.  If you do, be sure to post your training date and the District attended at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AlternateCOT.  We will reach out to the other district to validate your training attendance.  We can’t guarantee your club will get training credit unless you post your attendance at this link.

DateTimeHost DistrictRegistration link
Sat, 01/25/2510:00am-noonDistrict 119 (Manhattan)https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/Gk-hlRNOQEWhhz65ujHcCg
Tue, 01/28/256:30-9:00pmDistrict 13 (PA)https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZModOqhpjkoHtOQQHg-awH5m67DbF_qDTe2#/registration
Wed, 01/29/256:30-8:00pmDistrict 119 (Manhattan)https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtfu6opzwjGN2t8y2VZMFPe0-Yihf9YfbX
Fri, 01/31/252:45-5:00pmDistrict 101 (CA)https://d101tm.wufoo.com/forms/pdz7wx51bb52jq/
Mon, 02/03/253:30-5:00pmDistrict 4 (San Francisco CA)https://forms.gle/qZGfcEonC9X9GRcs5
Thu, 02/06/257:00-8:30pmDistrict 83 (NY, NJ)https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwvf–qpjovHNaKo25RhyY9PCgxdkPqt_6U
Thu, 02/13/256:30-8:00pmDistrict 119 (Manhattan)https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkcumrrj8qG9WlFpJ-yrALUuD8aKs6b5DG
Tue, 02/18/254:00-5:30pmDistrict 4 (San Francisco CA)https://forms.gle/h8NuS8vnMd2zfWEF6
Wed, 02/19/257:00-8:30pmDistrict 83 (NY, NJ)https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0vfuqopzIsG9bGiHRoMp_34L-ImTSatAm1
Sat, 02/22/255:45-8:00amDistrict 101 (CA)https://d101tm.wufoo.com/forms/p1w2eod31ar7g80/
Sun, 02/23/252:00-6:00pmDistrict 36 (DC, MD)https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/T8v6cjFWQvaXgPYWO9IJaQ
Fri, 02/28/252:45-5:00pmDistrict 101 (CA)https://d101tm.wufoo.com/forms/peegszd0knnuiz/

* Times in other timezones are corrected to EDT