District 53 is part of Region 5, a constellation of several districts in the Great Lakes region on both the Canadian and US sides and stretching into the US Northeast. If you’d like to know more about the arrangement of regions in the world, and the Districts in places you visit often for business or pleasure, check out the Toastmasters International Map for more detail!

District 53

A map showing the area of District 53 Toastmasters: encompassing all of Connectict, the four western counties of Massachusetts, and sixteen counties in New York State from Peekskill, NY to a line roughly parallel to Burlington, VT, through the upper counties of New York State.

District 53 serves all of Connecticut, western Massachusetts, and eastern New York State from Duchess County to the Canadian border and including the Capital District of Albany.

Our neighbors

Although we are members of Region 5 of Toastmasters International, our District abuts a number of Districts in Region 6, which mostly covers the US Midatlantic states..

District 31

Covering eastern Massachusetts and the state of Rhode Island.


District 61

Covers eastern Ontario, Québec, and northern New York State. Bilingual in French and English.


District 45

Covers Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia. Bilingual in French and English.


District 65

Serving central and western New York State


District 119

Serving Southern Manhattan (NYC) and Long Island.


District 46

Covers 34th St in Manhattan northward through the Bronx and Westchester Counties.


District 83

Serving northern New Jersey, Rockland County and Staten Island in New York
