District 53 2023 Conference
“SPRINGBoard to Success”
Saturday, May 6th — Hybrid
Sheraton Springfield Monarch Place — Springfield, MA

Come back and make new friends
and reacquaint yourself with old ones!
See the video welcome from International President Matt Kinsey DTM!
COVID Precautions Underway
District 53 is concerned with the safety of our conference attendees. Here is what will be implemented on the day of the event:
1) Comfort Contact Zone — attendees put red-yellow-green indicators on their badges indicating level of closeness desired.
2) Sheraton has the AtmosAir system which removes 99.9% of the COVID-19 virus, bacteria, mold spores and dust in the air, replacing it with clean, fresh air.
3) Hand sanitizers and masks available throughout the conference areas.
The complete schedule, including biographies of presenters and workshop descriptions, is available.
Friday 5 May 2023 — Friday Night Fun
Saturday 6 May 2023 — District 53 Spring Conference
Learn more about our Keynote Speaker, Joe Grondin DTM AS
Sunday 7 May 2023 — Bonus Workshop & Breakfast with Keynote Speaker, Joe Grondin DTM AS
Recent Conference News
Coming Conference Events
- 16 May 2025, All day: District Conference
Registration and Attendance
Conference Registration Is Live! Get the EARLYBIRD discounted rate for a limited time! Rate ends April 7, 2023!
Table of Rates — know exactly what your ticket will cost, on the day you buy it!
SuperSaver | EarlyBird | PreSale | At Door | |||
Ticket Type | Includes | Jan. 1 – Feb. 5 | Feb. 6 – Apr. 7 | Apr. 8 – Apr. 28 | Apr. 29 – May 6 | Register |
SuperSaver | Saturday activities 8:00am – 9:30 pm | $150 | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Full | Saturday activities 8:00am – 9:30 pm | N/A | $180 | $180 | $180 | ALL TICKETS |
Day | Saturday activities 8:00 am – 5:00 pm | N/A | $100 | $100 | $100 | ALL TICKETS |
Evening | Saturday activities 5:00pm – 9:30 pm | N/A | $115 | $115 | $115 | ALL TICKETS |
Contest only | Contest only, cost per contest | N/A | always $40 | ALL TICKETS | ||
Virtual Ticket | Some Activities via Zoom 8:00 am – 9:30 pm | N/A | always $100 | until 05/04 | ALL TICKETS | |
Sunday Workshop | Sunday 9:00 am – 11:00 am (estimated close) | N/A | $20 SPECIAL REDUCED PRICE | ALL TICKETS | ||
Club Special — if 3 or more members of the same club purchase Full tickets, a 10% rebate is refunded to each member.
The Toastmasters District 53 2023 Conference will be held Saturday May 6, 2023 with some fun pre-conference activities Friday and a bonus post-conference workshop Sunday! Details forthcoming on both.
Saturday we’ll have educational sessions, keynote presentations, the District 53 Hall of Fame, the District 53 Communication and Leadership (C&L) Award, District Officer Installations, networking and so much more!
Conference Hotel Rooms:
Want to reserve a guest room early?
Stay overnight and be part of the social scene?
District 53 Toastmasters has a conference hotel rate of $139 for the night(s) of May 5th and May 6th! Book your room online using this link or call (413) 781-1010 and say you are with “Toastmasters” by April 11, 2023.
The Sheraton invested in the AtmosAir system, which removes 99.9% of the COVID-19 virus, bacteria, mold spores and dust in the air, replacing it with clean, fresh air.
Ways to Participate
Communications & Leadership Award:
The Communications and Leadership Award is the highest honor a District can give a non-Toastmaster. It represents success in communication and empowerment of a team to achieve great things across a wide area — in our case, across an entire state or region. The recipient must be a resident of Connecticut, western Massachusetts, or eastern/upstate New York, a non-Toastmaster, and a figure of regional or statewide importance.
Our Honoree this year is Patricia Nicolari!

For information, see the Communications and Leadership Award page for more details.
Have a company that would be a great sponsor? Sponsors have their corporate ads in the program book, and help make the event a success. Is your club looking to recruit experienced Toastmasters? Does your corporation want to take out an ad in the program book? Check out our Sponsorship Opportunities for them. A PDF describing the opportunities is available here.
Apply to be a sponsor here.
Sign up to be a day program advertiser! Have your company put a 1/4, 1/2 or full page ad in our program. (application here)
Get access to 150 plus professionals attending the District 53 conference. A PDF describing opportunities for exhibitors in our exhibition hall is available here.
Apply to be an exhibitor here.