Panel: Why Be An Area Director?

Fellow Toastmasters,

District 45 is conducting a panel discussion, The Best Role Ever!, on the benefits of becoming an Area Director on Wednesday, August 10th at 7 PM EST.  Jim Kokocki, DTM, Past International President, will be moderating this discussion with their Immediate Past District Director and former Area Directors from District 53 serving on the panel.  

This is a great opportunity to have members ask questions and hear why so many leaders value their experiences as an Area Director.  

If you have members who are interested in attending, please send them here to register; they can also submit questions in advance to panel moderator Jim Kokocki, DTM. Their goal here is to create a “pathway” for leadership and leadership development and create interest in this vital role, and District 53 is delighted to assist them in calling up a great audience for their session.

Please let me know if you have any questions!


Patti Walter
District 53 Program Quality Director

Club Officer Training Elsewhere

What if you can’t attend any of District 53’s training dates this summer? You can look into attending in one of the other Districts in Region 9, thanks to the marvels of videoconferencing. Check out training dates in some of our partner districts in Region 9, covering the northeast US and maritime Canada!

District 31:

District 31 Officer Training

District 45:

District 45 Toastmasters Leadership Institutes

District 46:

DIstrict 46 Officer Training

District 61:

As well as these additional trainings…

District 65:

District 83:

District 83 Register for Training

District 119:

Register for specific events under individual calendar items.