Hello members!
We are almost one month in, and time is going by so fast. Your Senior Team has been busy interviewing candidates, preparing for training, creating success plans and revising our annual budget.
Just like we have asked our officers to attend training, your District team will also be attending training in the upcoming month. Our team of Area Directors and Division Directors will be attending a four hour session in August, and your District Trio will be attending a two-day session in August just before the Toastmasters International Convention in Nassau in the Bahamas! The District Trio are there to attending the Annual Business Meeting on your behalf. At this meeting voting will occur electing ten new members to join the International Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. Your district officers have interviewed all candidates and are ready to share what we have learned with you on August 2 and 3 at 8 pm. You can find the link on our district calendar.
We are not the only ones who get to vote. Each club has 2 votes in this election. Clubs have responsibility to either attend the Annual Business meeting and vote, or proxy their votes to the District Director. We will talk about how to do this on August 2 and August 3. Information on this process can also be found at https://d53tm.org/proxy-assignment/. Reminder the last date to assign proxies in August 11th.
Also remember that members’ international dues are $45 for the October 2023 to March 2024 period — when paid before July 31, 2023. After that time, dues rise to $60 per six months. Encourage your club’s members to pay early, and help them use the new self-pay feature (if your club has voted for it) to do so quickly and easily.
I can’t wait to share with you what we learned during our August training. I hope you are enjoying your summer.
Keep Speaking!!!
Patti Walter, DTM
District Director 2023-2024