Week of Jun 20th

  • Online Club Officer Training (corporate focus)

    Online Club Officer Training (corporate focus)

    22 June 2022

    Hello, and welcome fellow Toastmasters!

    The corporate environment can be a challenging place for a Toastmasters club to thrive. That's why District 53 is launching an online club officer training specifically for clubs in corporate environments.

    June 22, 2022, from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm EDT

    You'll get a keynote talk from a member who understands both the challenges and opportunities of a Toastmasters club in a closed, corporate setting: Pat Johnson, DTM, PIP!

    Keynote speaker, Educator, Author, Mentor, Ontological Life Coach, International President of Toastmasters International 2010-2011, Region 10 Advisor 2020-2021, Region 2 Advisor 2021-2022

    Pat Johnson joined Toastmasters International in 1983 in rural northern Manitoba.   During her 38 years of continuous learning and membership in Toastmasters, she has spoken in a long list of countries around the world as a keynote speaker and educator.   She served as District 21 Distinguished District Governor in 2001-2002, and spent two years on the board as International Director from Region 1 until 2006.  From 2010 to August 2011 she was International President of Toastmasters International. She was the Learning Master Manager for the curriculum design of Pathways, and the District Host Chair for the International Convention in Vancouver, Canada in 2017.  She's the author of Building and Sustaining Vibrant and Sustainable Toastmasters Programs in Corporations in 2018 and launched this book at the International Convention in Chicago, Illinois, USA, that same year.   Since then she's been the Region 10 Advisor in Europe, the Region 2 Advisor in northern California, and the recipient of a Toastmasters Presidential Citation for outstanding leadership and communication on a global level.  At present, she's the VPM of her home club, Rise and Shine in Victoria, BC, Canada. 

    You'll receive valuable advice on adjusting the role of each club officer to match the corporate culture. And you'll get guidance on how to adjust the club culture so that managers and senior executives alike value your contributions to the company mission — and so that members have fun while contributing to everyone else's success.

    This session is being run in the afternoon so that it can benefit members who restrict non-family activities during the week, and to emphasize the business-oriented culture of clubs in corporate environments.

    Register here to attend: https://D53-COT.eventbrite.com

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