Photograph of Freddi Dogterom, a Toastmasters Accredited Speaker

Workshop: Table Topics Contests

Tackling Table Topics

Photograph of Freddi Dogterom, a Toastmasters Accredited Speaker
Freddi Dogterom, AS

A workshop with Freddi Dogterom, Accredited Speaker

  •        held Saturday November 23, 10:00-11:30am

Accredited Speaker Freddi Dogterom presented an engaging and interactive workshop on how to excel in Table Topics contests. This online session provided participants with essential techniques to think on their feet and deliver impactful responses under pressure. Participants had the opportunity to practice what they learned and receive valuable feedback during the workshop. Whether a seasoned Toastmaster or new to the contest scene, this workshop equipped participants with the tools needed to shine in any Table Topics challenge. 

You can still access the event video and associated handouts at these links: