
Hello All!

Can you believe we are already at the halfway point of the Toastmasters year?

Here are a few key things to keep in mind coming up:

  • It is Officer Training season until the end of February — make sure you get as many officers trained for your club as you can, but at least four.
  • It is contest season!! Please see the Upcoming Events section and Contests pages for details on the Area Contests! They are all scheduled and running from January 25th through February 10th. Please reach out to your Area Directors with any questions.
  • The Division E Speech Contests are coming on March 2nd, 2024. Every club should send a representative or two, and alert me to your attendance, so that I can refer you to the chief judge for functionary and judging roles. Along those lines — I will be looking for someone to fill the roles of the Contest Master and the Chief Judge. These roles are a great way to work on your various Pathways projects, particularly at Level 4 and higher! Please reach out to me directly if you are interested.
  • The Division Conference is coming up, please check here for details, and plan to attend so you can cheer on our Division Contest winners and learn from some of the best speakers in our District!
  • I am planning an end of Year Picnic/Celebration for June 1st, 2024! If you are interested in giving a short 3 to 5 minute education presentation, please contact me directly.
  • Oh yeah, don’t forget to start thinking about your club succession plans, electing and reporting new officers, and building your club officer list for the 2024-2025 club year!
  • Finally, your Area Directors will be starting their Spring Visit and they will run through May!

All this to say, thank you so much for your help thus far. Let’s have an excellent second half of the year!

Elizabeth Keeling
Division E Director 2023-2024