Conference: Request for Presenters

Thank you for your interest in presenting at the Toastmasters District 53 Annual Conference for 2025. Please review the following information in preparation for submitting your proposal. Instructions on how to access the online application is provided at the end of the document. Please read this document in its entirety as you will need the information within it to complete your application.

Note: Only members of Toastmasters District 53 will be considered unless specifically invited. The Toastmasters District 53 Annual Conference is geared to Toastmasters in District 53 – Eastern New York, Western Massachusetts and all of Connecticut – enhancing their communications and leadership skills and personal & professional growth. As one of our educational session presenters, you will be a key contributor to the success of our conference.

We are soliciting proposals for engaging and exciting topics such as:

  • Insightful Ways to Achieve Educational Goals
  • Embracing Change with a Positive Attitude
  • Creating a Positive Club Environment
  • Engaging Experienced Members
  • Being a Toastmaster in the age of social media, influencing and technology
  • Mentors Matter: The Role of a Mentoring Program
  • Cross Cultural Communications
  • Cross Generational Communications
  • Strategies on Growing Clubs
  • Hybrid meetings – Technical Challenges & How to Overcome
  • Being A Published Author
  • Podcasting
  • Pathways. Topics including:
    • For Officers and Advanced Learning
    • Benefits of Pathways – A Roadmap, Tutorial, etc.
    • Overcoming Challenges of Pathways

You can drive attendance for your session by describing it in a compelling manner to maximize interest. If chosen, session descriptions and presenter biographical information are subject to editing for publication. Revisions will be reviewed with you to ensure it doesn’t dramatically change the intent of your proposed session.

Session length is approximately 50 minutes. Proposals must be received by 14 February 2025.

To access the application form and review the detailed requirements, please review the full Request for Presenters here.

You will be notified by February 22, 2025 if you have been selected as a primary or alternate speaker. If you have questions about submitting a proposal, please contact Sharon Mercado, DTM, the Conference Education Chair at

If you have questions about the Conference, please contact: Richard E. Peck, DTM, Conference Chair at

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Toastmasters District 53 2025 Conference!

Request for Videos

For the District 53 Annual Conference, among our methods of marketing, we will be using videos to promote the. event. We are looking for District 53 members to contribute by being some of our videographers and get their own thoughts and reaction reactions about past District 53 conferences they have attended, and the reactions of other members. Just. short snippets – about 10-15 seconds each member!

Anyone can be the next Steven Spielberg or Martin Scorsese and start working towards that Emmy!

  1. Once you determine someone has attended a District 53 conference, please let them know that their video will most likely be part of a conference promotional video and posted to the District 53 website and District 53 social media and confirm that it is acceptable.
  2. Take a short video of that person talking about District 53 conferences. You may ask any question(s), including the examples below. For context, please include the question in the video. There is no limit to. the number of videos you can upload.
  3. Upload your video(s) to
    1. Please make the filename the person on camera. If there is more than one person in the video, name it where it was taken (club name, contest, etc.).
    2. Please email the name and club to District 53 Annual Conference 2025 Video Promotion Chair,  David Freedman, DTM (
  • “What did you like about the District 53 Conference(s) you’ve attended?”
  • “Why would you recommend fellow members attend future District 53 Conferences?”
  • “What was your favorite part(s) of the conferences you attended?”
  • “What gets you to attend District 53 Conferences?”
  • “What are your top 3 events during the day at any District 53 conference you attended?”

You can send one video with multiple people in it – there is no size limit on uploads.

Videos might become part of several montages that will be used throughout the year to promote the conference! Watch them to find the secret clue! Look for it in the District 53 Newsletter! If you have any questions and/or ideas on how we can use video to promote the conference please reach out to David Freedman (  

We appreciate your contributions to making our annual District 53 Conference a huge success!

Want to help more? Distribute this flyer!