Farewell from Aki Ishii, DTM, DD 2021-22

Akihiro Ishii, IPDD 2022-23
Aki Ishii, IPDD 2022-2023

As we have come close to the end of Toastmasters year 2021-2022, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate your achievements and thank you for your hard work and commitment to the District 53 Toastmasters.  I am fortunate to serve as the District 53 director with enthusiastic leaders and members and make this year a success.  Now, I am excited to turn the gavel over to the new team and support behind the scenes.  I wish you a Happy New Toastmasters year and strive for new goals and achievements, and get a lot of new experiences.

My final report of the year is below.

Aki Ishii, DTM, IPDD 2022-2023