Joint Area 22 and Area 23 Contests

8 January 2024
6:15 PM - 9:45 PM (4 hours)

Joint Area 22 and Area 23 Contests

Date: 01/08/2024
Start time: 6:15 pm (arrival time for FUNCTIONARIES)
Evaluation Contest starts at 7:00
Estimated International Contest starts at 8:30
Agenda & special Instructions:
  1. functionaries arrive at 6:15 pm
  2. contestants arrive at 6:20
  3. audience at 6:30
  4. social time until 6:45 (for functionary and contestant briefings)
  5. start at 7:00.

Bring all your paperwork please. This contest will be combined (Area 22 and Area 23)

Location: Hosted by Eagle Toastmasters Club (3161)
Wallingford Parks and Recreation
6 Fairfield Blvd
Wallingford, CT 06492
United States
Contest Master: Ann Canfield, cell – text/ call 203-528-8480,,
Contest Chief Judge: Lufeng Zou, cell – text/ call 949-394-2887,