9:30 AM - 11:30 AM (2 hours)
Division C Contests
Link to event: Link to eventhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/89937541497?pwd=QnNSYzNUSGM1Vy9oSU91YVd5ZE0vUT09
Division C Director Chad Babcock and the Area Directors for Division C invite you to the Division C Contests on 1 April 2023! The contestants for Division C's Tall Tales Contest and International Contest will advance to the District stage to compete for bragging rights in the Tall Tales Contest, and a chance at the stage of the International Convention's annual World Championship of Public Speaking!
The contest will be held online at the Zoom link below, and in person at
and at Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89937541497?pwd=QnNSYzNUSGM1Vy9oSU91YVd5ZE0vUT09
- Contest begins at 9:30 am
- Briefings for contestants, judges, and functionaries begin at 9:00 am
Please contact Chad Babcock for further details.