6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (3 hours)
Area 41 Speech Contests
Area 41 Director Kate Scarcella is pleased to invite you to the Area 41 Speech Contests on Monday 27 January 2025 at 6:00 pm (briefings at 5:30 pm).
Even if you're not participating as a contestant, we still need people to fill functionary roles and to cheer on our contestants: please mark this time off on your calendar to attend! It should be a fun time where we can celebrate our fellow Toastmasters and see what our Area can do!
Please sign up to fill Contest Roles here:
- Role briefings will be held virtually before the contest is held so you can ask any questions and come in prepared.
- When: Monday, January 27, 2025
- Time: Contest starts at 6:00pm
- Where: The Tarriffvale Room (lower level), at