General Procedures
Listed below are the online ballot links for the April 11, 2024 District Council Business Meeting.
- The meeting facilitator (typically the District Director) will tell you when to use each ballot.
- To open a ballot, simply click the link..
- Ballots may only be used once. Subsequent use will generate a message that “you have already taken this survey.” This means that you already voted.
- The ‘Test Ballot’ may be used multiple times and at any time.
Voting Ballots
You may use the test ballot as many times as you wish, to familiarize yourself with using the online ballots.
- Test Ballot (please use your last name as your credentials code only on this test ballot)
Each ballot is only available when the meeting facilitator asks for that ballot to be opened. If you click the wrong ballot, it will tell you that the ballot is not open yet. Note that each ballot is labeled with a unique, non-sequential letter corresponding to specific elements of the agenda.
- Q. Roll Call Credentials Registration
- A. Approval of Fall DC Minutes
- B. Adoption of Year-End Audit Report
- C. Approval of Budget
- D. Confirmation of Officer Appointments
- E. Approval of District Success Plan
- F. Approval of Conference Location
- Misc Ballot 1
- Misc Ballot 2
- Misc Ballot 3
- Misc Ballot 4
- Misc Ballot 5