Officer Updates

Fellow Toastmasters of District 53,

We have some updates on District officer assignments.

I have received notification from John J. Hogan, DTM that he has to step back as the chair of the District Leadership Committee (DLC), although he will remain as Immediate Past District Director.  I have appointed Andrew B. Watt DTM, Past District Director 2020-2021, to lead the DLC until such time as John may or may not resume his duties. Both the resignation and the appointment take effect as of 9 February 2024 at 3:00 pm Eastern Time, to maintain the DLC’s continuity. Please forward all paperwork for the nominations process to Andrew B. Watt at from this point forward — Nominations are due by February 15, this week! John can be reached separately at, although we ask you not to present him with any non-urgent communications at this time.

I’m also pleased to report that Kate Scarcella CL EC3, has been appointed as District 53’s Club Extension Chair, one of the committees under Club Growth. More information will be forthcoming about her role in the near future. If you know of a possible club location, or would be interested in helping organize new clubs in District 53, please contact Kate at

In Toastmasters service,
Patti Walter, DTM
District Director 2023-2024

Warning on Spam/Grift

Hello, fellow Toastmasters!

District 53 would like you to know that we’ve had a spate of both spam and phishing attacks on members and on District officers. The messages purport to come from District Director Patti Walter, DTM, asking you to buy gift cards to prominent businesses, and then to text or email the activation codes to a phone number or email.


The District’s finances are governed by the Toastmasters Governing Documents, and specifically Protocol 8.4: District Fiscal Management. Part of those rules says,

Expenses that are essentially personal gifts must provide no more than “incidental private benefit” and must have a reasonable relationship to activities that directly support the mission. Examples are tokens of appreciation, expressions of sympathy and modest incentives. These items are appropriate if they promote goodwill and a positive atmosphere for the delivery of the Toastmasters program, but must never be lavish or excessive. Cash and cash equivalents, including but not limited to non-Toastmasters gift certificates, gift cards, or any other stored-value products, are not permitted.

Protocol 8.4.8 – District Fiscal Management, Other District Expenses

In other words, the District cannot own or purchase gift certificates from organizations or companies other than Toastmasters International’s own internal store; and we cannot reimburse members, even District officers, who purchase such cards.

We strongly advise clubs to make their members aware of these rules, so that they are not victimized by this kind of predatory scam.

From the CGD: 12 June 2023

12 June 2023

Greetings fellow Toastmasters!

Bettyann Peck, DTM, Club Growth Director

Club Officers’ List Submission Deadline is June 30, 2023!

It’s that time of year again…Club Officer Lists need to be updated by June 30, 2023! If any clubs miss the deadline, they will not be able to access CLUB CENTRAL on the TI website, and cannot carry out any club business, like processing new member applications OR submit any education awards. Additionally, no new officers will receive notices of any required District training.

If any clubs are currently suspended – they still need to update their club officer list. Because Suspended clubs do not have access to Club central, any current officer needs to email the club officer list to this address (and using this form). . By acting well in advance of the June 30th deadline, clubs will also avoid any possible disruptions on the TI website that could occur around the end of the month, and it also earns the club one requirement of DCP for the next term!

Thank you for your involvement with building new clubs, which I sincerely appreciate. Our district has chartered more new clubs this year than the last several years combined because of the work you have done. But many clubs have struggled. Many clubs weren’t aware that the most fundamental aspect of good club health starts with a new Club Officer list being updated through Club Central on the Toastmasters website before the June 30th deadline. 

I wish you all continued success and thank you again for your contributions this past year. If anyone needs assistance with this, please contact your Area Director or call me anytime at (203) 854-5498.

Yours in Toastmasters Service,
Bettyann Peck, DTM
Club Growth Director, 2022-23

Elected Officers for 2023-24

District Administrative Manager Norm Thibodeau, DTM, and District Director John J. Hogan, DTM, announced the results of the April 27, 2023 business meeting, and International Director from Region 9 Jeff Sobel DTM, installed these officers in these roles for the 2023-2024 program year.

  • For District Director (DD), Patti Walter DTM
  • For District Program Quality Director (PQD), Bettyann Peck DTM
  • For District Club Growth Director (CGD), Mohan Padamati DTM
  • For Division A Director, Stephanie Roy
  • For Division B Director, Ebru Unal
  • For Division C Director, Selina Tourjee
  • For Division D Director, Mark Wing
  • For Division E Director, Elizabeth Keeling

John J. Hogan DTM, will be Immediate Past District Director, and has accepted appointment to the role of chair of the District Leadership Committee (DLC), which will interview and recommend candidates for elected office in the 2024-2025 program year.

Other results from the District 53 Business Meeting on April 27, 2023 can be found here.

Officer Roles: Help Your Club Grow & Succeed!

You signed up for Toastmasters to work on your leadership skills. Now, it’s time to lead.

Your club needs YOU to succeed.

And it doesn’t take more than an hour or two a month.

The first week of May is officer election time. We are all contributing members to our clubs. It is ALL our responsibilities to help the club succeed.

If it’s your turn to step up for your club, here are some things to think about:

Which Officer Role should you volunteer for?

If you’re at almost every meeting. If you enjoy encouraging others and leading a team to success. If you DON’T like a lot of admin type work, you will enjoy the President role.

If you have attention to detail and like numbers and data, you will enjoy the Treasurer role.

If you like taking notes and tracking action steps to keep your team on track to success, you will enjoy the Secretary role.

If you like guiding people towards growth and encouraging them to challenge themselves. If you like ensuring that those acts are rewarded and recognized, you will enjoy the Vice President of Education role.

If you like sharing socially and spreading the word about Toastmasters and your club, you will enjoy the Vice President of Public Relations role.

If you like nurturing relationships and welcoming new members, you will enjoy the Vice President of Membership role.

If you like creating a positive, focused, welcoming environment, you will enjoy the Sergeant-At-Arms role.

Time Commitments for each Officer Roles

President: commit to showing up to as many meetings as possible to lead

VP of Education: connect briefly with members at meetings or outside of the meetings about their Pathways progress. Update Basecamp and TI as needed.

VP of Membership: Check-in with members when their attendance is lagging and communicate with inquiries and guests

VP of Public Relations: find opportunities to promote the club in your area and online

Treasurer: main duties happen twice a year in renewal periods

Secretary: attend as many meetings as possible to take appropriate notes. Update TI as needed.

Sergeant-At-Arms:  commit to showing up to as many meetings as possible to ensure the room (virtual or in-person) is set up

Key tasks for success:

President (Role Overview):

  • Provide positive leadership to all officers and members
  • Build a cohesive team and ensure all tasks are completed
  • Oversee and facilitate club meetings
  • Lead by example and treat all members fairly and equally

VP of Education (Role Overview):

  • Set club agenda and assign meeting roles
  • Manage member progress in Pathways and act as the primary Base Camp Manager
  • Encourage member engagement in the Pathways learning experience
  • Plan speech contests (with help from your officer team)

VP of Membership (Role Overview):

  • Initiate contact with guests and help them feel welcome
  • Provide hospitality and membership information for guests
  • Reply to all communications from prospective members in a timely manner
  • Manage the process of converting guests to members

VP of Public Relations (Role Overview):

  • Promote the club to eligible guests and notify the media regarding the club’s existence and benefits
  • Develop and maintain club social media pages and website
  • Create club publicity campaigns
  • Ensure the Club Contact and Meeting Information is up to date in Club Central

Treasurer (Role Overview):

  • Record and maintain accurate and up-to-date financial club records
  • Manage club bank account, make deposits, and write checks as approved
  • Collect and submit membership and renewal dues
  • Create a budget and lead an annual audit

Secretary (Role Overview):

  • Take minutes at club and executive committee meetings
  • Organize and maintain club records and files
  • Update and distribute membership rosters
  • Update the club and officer list at Toastmasters International

Sergeant-At-Arms (Role Overview):

  • Store club equipment and materials
  • Manage meeting facilities (virtual and/or in-person)
  • Provide hospitality and membership information for guests
  • Distribute club materials

Important final note: YOU ARE NOT ALONE! There is a team of District Leaders that have your back. Find out who your Area and Division Directors are. Attend Officer Training in the spring and fall and ASK QUESTIONS! We are here to help you and your club succeed AND have fun doing it 🙂

Essential Resources from Toastmasters International:

Much Ado About Dues

A name bag graphic that has the Toastmasters International logo and has the text "Membership Renewals Are Due"

It’s that time again, Toastmasters!

Spring dues are coming up fast and we all know how critical this renewal period is.

If your club has its eyes set on DCP awards, this spring cycle is your key success.

Here are some quick tips to help your club achieve its membership goals this Toastmasters year:

#1 Track Attendance

Don’t wait until April to start chasing your members! Anytime someone misses more than two meetings in a row without communication, check in. Use their preferred method of communication to follow up and give a friendly “how’s it going? we miss you!”

#2 Plan Ahead

Start NOW. Have your executive committee / officer team review your clubs roster. Who is likely to renew? Who is at risk of dropping out? Talk with club members before things get down to the wire and spend a little extra time with the at-risk members. Better yet, do a mini-Moments-of-Truth-type check in with each individual, build rapport, and start gathering information and ideas to improve the club and keep your members excited to continue.

Phone with a speech bubble over it that shows phone, email, and text symbols

#3 Use All Communication Channels

Don’t rely on email alone to remind the club about dues. Give a ring on the phone, send a friendly text, and make announcements at club meetings. You can start with group emails/texts, but plan to follow up with individuals sooner rather than later.

#4 Involve All Officers

The Treasurer takes the lead on dues, but they shouldn’t have to go it alone. All officers can split the task of contacting members individually. Your club VPM should be in charge of keeping attendance and following up with MIA members and your President should be talking up the club and making announcements about dues in meetings.

#5 Get Members Excited!

A Toastmaster receiving an award at a Toastmaster's meeting

This is the time of year to pull out all the stops to excite members and remind them of the value of their accomplishments. Strategically place beneficial, educational, and fun events right before renewals. Some examples could include:

  • Social events
  • Special guest speakers
  • Open Houses
  • Themed meetings
  • Awards presentations (take is serious and celebrate club achievements, or make it fun and create your own Dundie awards!)

Remember, the District is here to help you and your club succeed. Do not hesitate to reach out to your Area Director or other District leaders with any questions or concerns you may have!

Seminar on Community Forums

The Division E Public Relations Team is excited to announce that we are hosting a seminar on  how to use and to publicize your Toastmasters Club and help gain new members. Lisa Morahan, of the Saratoga Turf Talkers Toastmasters Club will demonstrate how to use to share press releases with local media outlets (such as the Times Union, Saratogian, etc) and how to get the word out about your club on!  Expected duration of the seminar is approximately 45 minutes.  Zoom meeting information is below.

Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 824 2102 3155
Passcode: 787497

Talk Up Toastmasters! from the CGD

16 January 2023

Greetings fellow Toastmasters!

Bettyann Peck, Club Growth Director

We all know Toastmasters love to connect, so take advantage of it — Let’s Talk Up Toastmasters!
This exciting membership program starting February 1, 2023, is the chance to encourage your members to invite guests to a special meeting where prospective members can learn about Toastmasters’ many benefits.

Here’s how it works for your club:

  • When you add five new, dual, or reinstated members with a join date between February 1 and March 31, you’ll receive a special Talk up Toastmasters ribbon to display on your club’s banner.
  • Qualifying clubs can also earn a special discount code for 10% off their next club order.

The discount code expires six months from the date of issue and is not valid with other offers
Applications and payments for members with a join date between February 1 and March 31
must be received at World Headquarters or online no later than March 31. The addition of
transfer and charter members does not count towards Talk Up Toastmasters credit.

Applications and payments for members with a join date between February 1 and March 31
must be received at World Headquarters or online no later than March 31. The addition of
transfer and charter members does not count towards Talk Up Toastmasters credit.
I look forward to seeing the remarkable results of your efforts that will benefit you and your

Yours in Toastmasters Service,

Bettyann Peck
Club Growth Director, 2022-23